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Live Cockles

Live cockles from France

Cockles are bivalve molluscs, living in coastal intertidal zones and lagoons at a depth of one or two meters above the water surface. The taste of difference between cockles vs clams is, Cockles will be rarity, sweeter and tastier.



225.00 $

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Size: sold by pack of 1kg

Storage:  Keep refrigerated at 0 ° to 4° and consume within 3 days after opening the sealed pack. Consume before the sell-by date. Cockles can’t be frozen live. You need to cook them first or remove the meat from the shell then freeze them.


Cockles are a type of small edible saltwater clam that are highly nutritious. They are an excellent source of protein, providing around 17 grams per 3.5 ounce (100 gram) serving. Cockles also contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vitamins and minerals like vitamin B12, iron, and zinc. The high mineral content of cockles, including selenium and copper, makes them a useful food for supporting immune function and overall health. Incorporating cockles into your diet can be a tasty way to boost your intake of important nutrients.