Gilthead sea bream is a popular Mediterranean fish known for its delicate, slightly sweet flavor. This simple yet flavorful recipe highlights the natural taste of the fish by pairing it with vibrant ginger and scallions.

Time: 35 mins  Serve: 2


1 1/2 lb sea bream (gut and scales removed)   

 1 tablespoon fresh ginger (about 1 inch long)         

  1 piece red chili pepper (1 inch long) 

     1 teaspoon sugar      

1 garlic clove

2 scallions                                                          

1teaspoon peppercorn                                                     1teaspoon red chili pepper (seeded and chopped)              1 1teaspoons fish sauce                     
  1 pinch salt

1 tablespoon lemon juice                        1 tablespoon lime juice
  1 tablespoon fish sauce                         1tablespoon sugar
 1teaspoon red chili pepper, diced          1 garlic clove, diced


  1. Make dipping sauce first. Mix all ingredients and set aside.
  2. Preheat oven for broiling (480 F, 250 C).
  3. For the marinade crush pepper corns in mortar and add chili pepper, salt and fish sauce. Crush and mash until well combined.
  4. Clean fish and pat dry. With a sharp knife cut 2 or 3 into the flesh slightly on the thickest part.
  5. Smear the marinade onto the fish on both sides and into the cavity. Set aside for 30 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile cut scallions first into 1 inch long pieces and then into very fine stripes. Do the same with ginger and chili pepper. Cut garlic into very fine slices.
  7. Oil a grilling pan with sunflower oil and put fish on it. Put fish into the oven and broil for about 8 minutes on each side.
  8. Watch carefully and brush from time to time with oil. For broiling you should need about 1 tablespoon of oil.
  9. While fish is broiling heat the remaining tablespoon oil in samll pan over medium hight heat. Add scallions and cook for about 1 to 2 minutes.
  10. Add ginger, garlic, red chili pepper and sugra and cook for another 3 to 5 minutes. Stir frequently. Remove from heat and keep warm.
  11. Take fish out of the oven and serve with scallions and ginger on top of it. Serve the dipping sauce in a seperate small bowl.
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