MSC and ASC certification

M&C Asia commits to the MSC program

In order to preserve the sea resources, M&C Asia, in parallel of the other efforts to offer sustainable non labelled products – is committed in following the program of MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) and proudly received its  Chain of custody certification in 2017.

MSC and ASC Certification number
MSC-C-55904 / ASC-C-01463

The role of MSC

The Marine Stewardship Council is an international non-profit organisation established to address the problem of unsustainable fishing and safeguard seafood supplies for the future. Their objective is to transform the seafood market by recognising and rewarding sustainable fishing practices and influencing the choices people make when buying seafood. They work with fisheries and businesses around the world to achieve this mission.
The MSC works with scientists, fisheries, seafood producers and brands to promote sustainable fishing and safeguard seafood supplies for the future. We set credible standards for sustainable fishing and supply chain traceability. Organisations meet these standards in order to demonstrate the sustainability of their products.

The blue MSC label makes it easy for everyone to choose seafood caught by fisheries which care for the environment.  You can trust that fish and seafood with the blue MSC label has been responsibly caught by a certified sustainable fishery.

Choosing seafood with the blue MSC label helps ensure fish for tomorrow.
Only seafood from fisheries that meet their strict standards for sustainability can be sold with the blue MSC label. These fisheries ensure that fish are caught at levels that allow fish populations and the ecosystems on which they depend to remain healthy and productive for the future.

The 3 principles of MSC

The blue label that you can find on wild products guarantee to the consumer that they have been sourced from sustainable fisheries that met the environnemental frame of reference of MSC. An audit, realised by independent certifier, evaluate if the fisheries respect the 3 fundamental principles.

  • Principale 1: Sustainable fish stocks
    The fishing activity must be at a level which ensures it can continue indefinitely
  • Principale 2: Minimising environmental impact
    Fishing operations must be managed to maintain the structure, productivity, function and diversity of the ecosystem
  • Principale 3: Effective management
    The fishery comply with relevant laws and have a management system that is responsive to changing circumpstances


The MSC Chain of Custody Standard

The Chain of Custody Standard ensures the blue MSC label is only displayed on seafood that’s traceable to an MSC certified sustainable fishery.

The MSC Chain of Custody Standard is a traceability and segregation standard that is applicable to the full supply chain from a certified fishery or farm to final sale. Each company in the supply chain handling or selling an MSC certified product must have a valid MSC Chain of Custody certificate. This assures consumers and seafood-buyers that MSC labelled seafood comes from a certified sustainable fishery.

Businesses must be audited by independent certifiers to ensure that all requirements are met. M&C Asia successfully met all the requirements to receive the certification.

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